When your car's cooling system isn't working well, your car is more likely to overheat and cause engine damage. A clogged radiator can wreak havoc on your car's cooling system and can be difficult to diagnose unless you know what to look for. If you've been having problems with the cooling system and you suspect a clogged radiator, here is some more information about this problem.
Symptoms of a clogged radiator:
The symptoms of a clogged radiator are similar to several other cooling system issues which is why it's so hard to diagnose. Generally, you will have a problem with your car chronically running hot and loosing coolant through the overflow tank. Some people who have had this problem report uneven cooling with some parts of the radiator being red hot and other parts being cool. You can also check for a clogged radiator by removing the radiator cap (when the engine is cool) and running the engine until the thermostat opens. The fluid in a normal radiator will begin to noticeably swirl while a clogged one will not.
Causes of radiator blockage:
Radiators get internally clogged through the build up of sediments, rust and internal corrosion caused either by age or by not flushing out the cooling system at recommended intervals. Some sediment can also come from fluids, such as water and coolant, and slowly build up from time. Externally, leaves, bugs, and other debris can get wedged between the fins of the radiator allowing less air to flow through and reducing radiator effectiveness.
Unclogging the radiator:
One of the first things you should do if you suspect you have a clogged radiator is to take it into the shop and have your system flushed. Tell the mechanic that you think you might have this issue so that he or she will know that it needs more than a normal coolant flush, but extra flushing to clean out the system entirely. The exterior may also need to be cleaned to remove road debris. If this doesn't work, then you may have to remove and replace the entire radiator. The best way to keep your radiator from internally clogging is to flush it regularly, replace worn parts when needed, clean off the exterior periodically and only use fluids that are specifically designed for radiator usage.
If you car runs hot or chronically overheats, then a clogged radiator could be the problem. Because some of the symptoms are similar to other cooling system problems such as a bad thermostat or a bad head gasket, it's best to take your car into a shop (such as Branford Radiator Repair Service) to have it checked out. That way, you can get the diagnosis and repair at the same time and prevent any potential damage.
Share20 April 2016
After trying in vain to fix my car for a few months, I realized that I needed to hire a professional. I was tired of dealing with repairs that I was unfamiliar with, and I knew that I needed to get some help. I started looking around for a great auto mechanic, and even though one business was more expensive than others, I decided to work with them. They worked hard to fix my car, and I was really pleased with how great of a job they did. This blog is all about investing in proper auto service so that you don't have to deal with problems in the future.