
3 Reasons To Have Your Vehicle's Transmission Rebuilt Instead Of Replacing It


When dealing with transmission repair, you should know that a replacement is not your only option. Depending on what is wrong with the transmission in your car, having it rebuilt or repaired might be the better choice. These are a few reasons why. 1. Save Money Many people assume that transmission work is expensive. It's true that buying a new transmission is often quite costly, and even buying a used one to be put in your car can come with a hefty price tag, although it might be a bit cheaper than buying new.

10 May 2018

A Jerking Vehicle & Transmission Problems


Have you been ignoring the slight jerk that your vehicle has when it is being driven?  Ignoring the jerking motion is one of the biggest mistakes that you can make as a vehicle owner. The reason why is because it points to the transmission possibly needing some work done before other problems occur. You must understand that your vehicle will not move if the transmission stops working, which is why problems should be repairs while they are still minor.

5 March 2018

4 Ways To Make Sure Your Vehicle's Ready For Winter


With winter upon us, you need to make sure that your vehicle is ready for winter weather and winter driving conditions. You need to check your battery, lights, coolant and washer fluid to make sure that they are ready for winter weather and winter driving. 1. Battery Your battery is put under additional strain in the winter time. It takes more energy to start up your car when it is especially cold outside.

10 January 2018

Three Common Auto Glass Repair Myths


If a rock flew up and hit your windshield, a crack or chip may emerge. If you have never had this happen before, you may pull out your phone and try to figure out what, if anything, you should do about the damage to your windshield. Unfortunately, there are many myths and untruths on the internet. Here are a few of the myths you may come across when trying to figure out what to do about a windshield chip or crack and the truths that you should know:

25 November 2017

Is Your Truck's Transmission Malfunctioning? Learn To Recognize The Signs


The transmission is both a complex and powerful component of your truck. Given its unique design and function, spotting a problem with a transmission isn't always something that is easy to do. There are a number of minor problems that can easily be overlooked that can be indicative of a malfunction. Keep your eyes, nose, and ears open so you know what to look for.   Fluid Leak If you notice a small puddle of red fluid on the ground, this could be a sign of a transmission fluid leak.

7 October 2016

Hazards To Watch Out For When Taking Driving Lessons


Regardless of your age, enrolling in driving school gives you either an opportunity to learn how to drive or a chance to relearn some tips and tricks that you may have forgotten over the years. After some time spent in the classroom, you'll get a chance to sit behind the steering wheel with a trained instructor and navigate your way through the streets of your city. During this phase of your training, it's important to not only obey the rules of the road, but to also keep a sharp eye out for any obstacles that could threaten your safety.

30 September 2016

3 Tips To Help Keep Your New Car Looking Good With Spare Parts


Having a new car can mean reliable transportation that will last for many years to come. It also means that there is regular maintenance that is going to need to be done. Sometimes, even if you have a new car, there may still be an occasional repair that needs to be done. Here are some tips to help you keep your car running like new with a few spare parts:

5 August 2016

3 Things To Know Before Getting Your Vehicle's Windows Tinted In Michigan


With summer fast approaching, it is natural to consider tinting your windows when the hot sun is beating down on your vehicle and making it nice and toasty inside and is reflecting off the road, making it difficult to drive without glasses on. However, if your vehicle is registered in the state of Michigan, you need to make sure that any tint job you have done to your vehicle abides by state laws.

4 May 2016

3 Reasons Your Car's Air Conditioning Stopped Working


Depending on how much time you spend commuting, air conditioning isn't a luxury feature on your automobile; it's a necessity! Over time, your vehicle's AC can lose coolness or stop working entirely. Before you take it to the shop for a diagnosis, you can tackle some at-home troubleshooting by knowing the three top reasons your car's air conditioning may have stopped working. #1: A Malfunctioning Compressor The compressor is one of the major working parts of a vehicle's air conditioning system.

4 May 2016

Replacing A Skylight On The Top Of Your RV


The early spring is the time to inspect your RV to make sure it is in shape for the upcoming camping season. If you park your RV under trees during the winter, you'll also want to check the roof for damage from falling tree limbs and other debris. A falling tree limb can easily break a skylight on the roof. If you have a skylight that is broken or cracked, you should replace it as soon as possible to prevent water from getting inside the RV.

28 April 2016